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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Happy Spring!

It's been far too long since I've posted.  Here's what I made over the weekend!  It's a blanket for my friend Andrea.  If you're looking for the pattern I found it here.  I thought about putting an NFL team on the back but decided I'd leave the option open for their son to choose for himself who he'd like to be a fan of :)  Just because he's born here in MN doesn't mean he has to be a Viking fan ;) There's a GREAT team across the river to the east he might just find more appealing.  Haha.  I love my Packers :)
                                               Cleo wanted to be in the picture too!
                                                           a shot of the back
I have no idea why they get smaller and smaller.  I love this puppy print I found!  This blanket is about 44" from tip to tip.  I used 1 yard of fabric.  The hardest part of making this is making the white lines on the football.  There is no pattern of that part.  I made mine out of white fleece.  I am going to make a pattern for them so it's much quicker next time :)