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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Well it's been far too long again... here a few things I've been working on this week in celebrate my bday week! :)  My first wreath below I made back in April I believe.  its been on my front door since.  The bottle I made yesterday and the Brewer wreath I made on Tuesday.  I LOVE my new Brewer wreath and I've made a few people jealous already! :)

                                    Here is my first wreath, gotta love drink umbrellas!
                                                              Just finished!
                                    Doesn't do it justice, but it looks awesome at night :)
                                                    My favorite creation so far!                                                      

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Happy Spring!

It's been far too long since I've posted.  Here's what I made over the weekend!  It's a blanket for my friend Andrea.  If you're looking for the pattern I found it here.  I thought about putting an NFL team on the back but decided I'd leave the option open for their son to choose for himself who he'd like to be a fan of :)  Just because he's born here in MN doesn't mean he has to be a Viking fan ;) There's a GREAT team across the river to the east he might just find more appealing.  Haha.  I love my Packers :)
                                               Cleo wanted to be in the picture too!
                                                           a shot of the back
I have no idea why they get smaller and smaller.  I love this puppy print I found!  This blanket is about 44" from tip to tip.  I used 1 yard of fabric.  The hardest part of making this is making the white lines on the football.  There is no pattern of that part.  I made mine out of white fleece.  I am going to make a pattern for them so it's much quicker next time :)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Hello!  I thought I'd show off a few more of my hexagons!  I am up to 1,075 of them!  These pictures are a little old but I wanted to share anyways :)

                                  I believe there is 125 sitting here.  I did these all in one day!

Here is another project I did:  I'm obsessed with head bands and I LOVE this one!
I gave this one to my friend Jen, I have another that I made with the scraps from the girl baby blanket I posted a few weeks ago.  I will show more soon!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Happy Sunday Funday!

After a fabulous night out with friends last night at the Wicked Moose, I had a nice chill day today with my friend Jen.  She's been gracious enough to help me by cutting out the paper hexagons so I can keep going on making the actually pieces.  I really want to start sewing some of them together but I am going to try and wait until I get them all made.  I think I'm about a third of the way done and it's a great feeling!  

I made great progress on my hexagons today and almost doubled my stash!  Here is today's handy work:
                                                         125 DONE TODAY!
                                               My whole stash, all 400 of them :)

I've made almost all the ones I have cut so far so next on the list is to cut up the fabric I got from my friend Vicki.  She sent me a tub of stuff last week and then cleaned up her sewing room and gave me another huge bag!  I can't wait to see what's all in there :)  That will be tomorrow's post hopefully!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Just another Saturday

Happy Saturday!  After I made the blue baby blanket on Thursday my mom informed me our friend back home is expecting a baby girl.  I had planned to make a  pink minky square blanket but found this fabric instead.  I already had the brown minky fabric so it was pretty easy.  I had a rough time with the curved edges but its ok for my first.  I will give it to her next weekend when I'm home for a wedding.  Can't wait to meet her new baby girl!  Here is what I made her:
I didn't plan to make the exact same blanket as the tutorial but I couldn't resist the fabric when I found it.  If you'd like to try this blanket you can find it here.  She has a lot of great stuff on her blog :)  My blanket was 42x42 because I cut it before re-reading her directions.  I'm still having a bit of a problem sewing with the minky fabric but I think the more I play with it the easier it will get.

I didn't take me very long to make and I received a bunch of new fabric for my hexagon quilt.  I am now cutting my 2.5" squares watching Romeo and Juliet - The Leo version ;)  He's so yummy in this movie!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

I wasn't ready to put down the fabric today so I made this little tag blanket to match the rag blanket I just made.  It has the brown minky fabric on both sides.

My first baby blanket

Today I made my first baby blanket.  I thought it would be a bit bigger but its actually the perfect size for a little one to carry around.  I made this one for my friend Andrea, she's due the end of May with her second child.  It's a boy! :)  Pintrest, as I've said before, is quite an obsession of mine.  I found the tutorial for this on that site.  You can find it here.  She has done some awesome blankets and I can't wait to do some more.  It's very easy to follow :)  Here are some pictures of my finished blanket!

                                         Here are the front pieces cut out, ready to go!
                                                      This will be the back
                                         The finished front, right out of the dryer :)
                                  Here is the back, has some issues but it is my first try!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

                                           Here are my first hexagons, guess how many there are!
                                           There are 80 right there... I have a LONG way to go!
                                           Here is the pile I made last night, 1-18-12.  Doesn't look
                                           like 51 hexagons does it?  There really are 51 I swear!


Holy cold outside!  Gotta love the Mid West.  It was 55 degrees, no snow and the sun was shining last week.  Today it was -30 degrees with the wind chill and we actually have a dust of snow on the ground.  I can still see grass though.  The 80 degree difference hits ya like a brick wall.  I just can't warm up today.  Anywho...

The project I am working on today is my charm quilt.  I found the idea through Pintrest and its going pretty well so far.  to make the 50x60 quilt I need 1,173 1" hexagons.  I have 171 made so far.  I have pics to post... now I just need to figure out how to do that!  Sunday I am going to start a baby quilt, I have no decided which I want to make though.  I just found a cute project that is a football blanket made of that soft minky fabric.  I had planned to make a ribbon blanket but now it is between the football project or a square rag quilt.  Unfortunately I already bought baby blue minky fabric so I think I'm going to make the rag quilt.  I will post my decision when I start cutting :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 1

Wow am I confused!  Never thought I'd be a blogger... not in a Million years!  I decided to try this so I could connect with others that like to do what I do.  I like to sew and garden and pretty much anything crafty.  I consider myself a beginner in all areas still, but I think I'm getting better every day!  

The snow has finally fallen in MN and I am already over it!  Mother Nature has been too kind this year and we have been so spoiled not having any snow til mid January.  Growing up in the Mid West I don't think I could pick just one season to say I "love."  I like the winter because its when I am the most creative.  I do all of my sewing in the winter time.  I dislike shoveling snow, but thankfully I have a friend from ND that loves it (she's crazy!)  I L-O-V-E Spring now that I am a home owner.  I've done so many things to my yard over the past few summers and its so exciting to see how my flower beds have changed from year to year.  My driveway is lined with beautiful yellow and pink tulips in the spring and I'm very proud of the fact I did it all by myself.  I have some plans in the works to build some veggie gardens this spring so I can plant my own veggies.  Summer is great just for the fact that it's summer and the days are so long.  I'm a huge baseball fan so going to Brewer games is one of my favorite parts of summer.  I love the colors of fall and the smells it brings with it.  There is nothing better than walking around in the woods in the fall and seeing all of the beautiful colors.  I enjoy the outdoors in any way that I can.  I love hunting and fishing and sitting around a bonfire with some good friends.  Well, it's time for me to get back to work on my new quilt project.  I'm looking forward to sharing my projects with you!